Source code for zope.intid.interfaces

"""Interfaces for the unique id utility.
from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute, implementer

[docs]class IntIdMissingError(KeyError): """ Raised when ``getId`` cannot find an intid. """
[docs]class ObjectMissingError(KeyError): """ Raised when ``getObject`` cannot find an object. """
[docs]class IntIdsCorruptedError(KeyError): """ Raised when internal corruption is detected in the utility. Users should not need to catch this because this situation should not happen. """
[docs]class IIntIdsQuery(Interface): "Query for IDs and objects" def getObject(uid): """Return an object by its unique id""" def getId(ob): """Get a unique id of an object. """ def queryObject(uid, default=None): """Return an object by its unique id Return the default if the uid isn't registered """ def queryId(ob, default=None): """Get a unique id of an object. Return the default if the object isn't registered """ def __iter__(): """Return an iteration on the ids"""
[docs]class IIntIdsSet(Interface): "Register and unregister objects." def register(ob): """Register an object and returns a unique id generated for it. The object *must* be adaptable to :class:`~zope.keyreference.interfaces.IKeyReference`. If the object is already registered, its id is returned anyway. """ def unregister(ob): """Remove the object from the indexes. IntIdMissingError is raised if ob is not registered previously. """
[docs]class IIntIdsManage(Interface): """Some methods used by the view.""" def __len__(): """Return the number of objects indexed.""" def items(): """Return a list of (id, object) pairs."""
[docs]class IIntIds(IIntIdsSet, IIntIdsQuery, IIntIdsManage): """A utility that assigns unique ids to objects. Allows to query object by id and id by object. """
[docs]class IIntIdEvent(Interface): """Generic base interface for IntId-related events""" object = Attribute("The object related to this event") original_event = Attribute("The ObjectEvent related to this event")
[docs]class IIntIdRemovedEvent(IIntIdEvent): """A unique id will be removed The event is published before the unique id is removed from the utility so that the indexing objects can unindex the object. """
[docs]@implementer(IIntIdRemovedEvent) class IntIdRemovedEvent(object): """The event which is published before the unique id is removed from the utility so that the catalogs can unindex the object. """ def __init__(self, object, event): self.object = object self.original_event = event
[docs]class IIntIdAddedEvent(IIntIdEvent): """A unique id has been added The event gets sent when an object is registered in a unique id utility. """ idmap = Attribute("The dictionary that holds an (utility -> id) mapping of created ids")
[docs]@implementer(IIntIdAddedEvent) class IntIdAddedEvent(object): """The event which gets sent when an object is registered in a unique id utility. """ def __init__(self, object, event, idmap=None): self.object = object self.original_event = event self.idmap = idmap